Enter or select Period Beginning / Period Ending / State / Department / Employee to print Payroll Journal. Select Order By to print order by Date / Check No / Employee ID / First Name / Last Name. Place a mark if you want to print detail or summary. |
List all employees' detail paycheck information by date, by check number, by employees' first name or by employees' last name. |
Other Payroll Reports: |
1. Payroll Journal Entries & Cash Needs. |
Journal entry for accounting and funds need to be deposited to bank to cover payroll and taxes. |
2. Employer's & Employee's Taxes. |
A summary report shows employer's contribution and employees' tax withheld and misc. deduction. |
3. Payroll Current & YTD Summary. |
A detail summary payroll report and YTD tax liabilies. |
4. Payroll Tax Payment Notification. |
Instruction to taxpayer for tax payment & deposits. |