2018 EzUSAPayroll


2017 EzUSAPayroll



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  • (714) 531 - 3690
  • Monday - Friday
  • 11:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M
  • Pacific Standard Time
  • or send us email at: info@csutax.com


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Enter or select Period Beginning / Period Ending / State / Department / Employee to print Payroll Journal. Select Order By to print order by Date / Check No / Employee ID / First Name / Last Name. Place a mark if you want to print detail or summary.
List all employees' detail paycheck information by date, by check number, by employees' first name or by employees' last name.
Other Payroll Reports:
1. Payroll Journal Entries & Cash Needs.
Journal entry for accounting and funds need to be deposited to bank to cover payroll and taxes.
2. Employer's & Employee's Taxes.
A summary report shows employer's contribution and employees' tax withheld and misc. deduction.
3. Payroll Current & YTD Summary.
A detail summary payroll report and YTD tax liabilies.
4. Payroll Tax Payment Notification.
Instruction to taxpayer for tax payment & deposits.